Tuesday, 22 September 2015

Time. !

‘Its kinda  funny how life can change
Can flip 180 in a matter of days….’

Nothing is permanent. Everything is subject to change.Whether it’s about life ,feelings,person ,situation or circumstances. It doesn’t take even a second for these things to change. One moment  when you really start feeling  that the world around you is much more than perfect , the very next moment life makes you realize that it isn’t.Whether you call it a destiny or just a change for a good cause. At that state of mind what actually hurts are the memories. And so some people wish for a life with delete or rewind buttons while others take it as a experience.Many a times the thing which always proved to be your strength suddenly becomes your weakness.Time doesn't even make you realize this transformation.It's just a matter of time.

 TIME- The one only factor which acts as a friend at the same it’s the only one enemy that we can never escape. It gives us so many moments to cherish and simultaneously makes us realize that we are not immortal. I heard a quote from a Mr.Gregory  in a Tv series ‘Mr.house ‘  stated  “Times changes everything,  That's what people say. But It's not true. Doing things changes things. Not doing things ,leaves things exactly as they were." It’s the perfect sentence that contradicts the worldwide accepted fact “Time heals everything”.

 According to me both the facts are true in their own ways.The significance of time comes  across the zigzag of life when too many things going on around us make us stressed.At that particular time we need to have some patience as the path unfolds itself. But after that its not the time that changes things but you have to do that by yourself.As quoted above time can simply add on as a factor for helping you out of the problem or even can drove you into it.Which one of these will happen is decided by our attitude towards the hurdle .

After every sunset there is a sunrise.’If you are sitting at the top of the world then its also gonna change after every 24 hours.’More concisely , A change for good ,A change for worse whichever it is, there is always  a lesson to be learned. Playing safely ,hiding behind the shades is a bigger risk than facing the changes.It is said that ‘Be the change you want to see in the world’.So in order to build a safe future you have to face the challenges whatsoever arrives in between .Some people doesn’t even realize that these changes are inevitable part of human life and so they stubbornly  keep stuck on their past and thereby making  time as their enemy. We need to accept that change is the inseparable part of life even if we want or not we can not change the process so its wiser to accept it and move on in life.

So If you are stuck at some situation which feels like just inescapable then what you need to do is simply wait but don’t forget your purpose of life. Replace your negativity with positive beliefs .Life certainly has much better surprises coming all over the way just for you. Dont let the change take away your smile. Face that change with a smile and just see the miracle ,Destiny will definitely change if We are willing to change it…J

The One thing holding you back in life

"If You want to know where your heart is,look to where you mind goes when it wanders."

There are certain instances in life when you realize that your life is completely messed up.There's isn't a thing which is actually in its place. It is a very common problem which most of us come across in our lives when we live a life which actually doesn't belong to us.
We spend our whole lives doing what we 'should do' and not actually what we 'want to'  either due to the expectations of our closed ones or because everyone else is doing that. It's a common belief that the thing which gives you more money ,status or power is worth doing but what about the satisfaction.?  In this blind race people tend to forget that satisfaction or happiness doesn't come from what we intellectually are supposed to do but instead what we intuitively want to. 

Most of the times we are confused about what to do with our life whether it is about work or relationships.Who doesn't want to get a 'good secured job' , with monthly earnings in lakhs. But have you ever thought that, is that money going to give you any sort of comfort more correctly happiness , If you are just stuck at your workplace from morning 8 to evening 8 waiting for the weekends and not enjoying a single bit of your work.? You will be desperate for the weekends to come when you can take a break from your job-place , spending time with friends and taking out all sort of frustration about your work.At that time you will realize that instead of going after what others were doing if you had chosen what you really loved ,Your life would be much simpler because Sometimes it's all about your ability to believe in where you are going even when you are not sure about what lies ahead.

Taking engineering stream after high school is one of the most common example of a mass imitation.There are less than 10% of people who really want to be good engineers and excel in their field.I have a friend who has taken this stream just because her best friend was taking it .What's the sense in doing such things.? No doubt , she will complete her graduation because getting marks in any sort of examination is not really a tough task but what about her future?? The future which she is going to face is in complete darkness.I asked her once whether she is happy with her life.? And she had nothing to say in response.
Whatever you allow to happen will always continue until and unless you taken a step to make it correct.The same applies to the relationships.Getting in any relationship due to someone's expectations is an easy task but to live it ,is the thing in which most of the people generally fail.

So now the question of the hour is Are you happy with your life?
Are the things which you do in leisure time , the ones you intuitively want to do or simply because you are supposed to do them?
What you actually want to do? Though it is a tough one to answer but you have to find it for your good future..You have to do what actually defines you as a person, who you really want to be.People generally chose the most easiest way of finding an answer to this 'The counselors' .But instead of approaching a counselor you can do it by yourself. You just need to sit back for a moment ,rewind whatever you did so far in your life ,what all things actually gave you happiness ,what sort of work you enjoy the most..And there You will find your answer. It really works.
You don't really have to live your life, all-time filling someone Else's expectations .When You will assemble every piece of your life not by any assumption but consciously it will feel like its all yours now, not driven by anyone else, totally crafted and painted by your own colors.The way it really has to be.