Monday, 9 September 2013

Life Contingency

 “Possibility is not an accident it’s a choice”.

Life is too unpredictable. But if not would it be called as life ? We all have different perceptions about the best life we actually want to live. For most of  us earning lot of money and living a cozy life is the ultimate aim. But in getting what we want ,many a times we tend to lose those who stand by us in every phase of our lives. What friends and family need is just ‘time’. You need to involve them in journey to your goal. I appreciate those people who are determined to get the best out of their lives but not at the cost of their loved ones.

There are many times when we find life playing with us but what we need to do is live it to the fullest. You have to start looking for the possibilities rather than problems .There are always two sides of every situation  Bright and dark. Its upto you which side you want to see. When we find ourselves to be dragged around the world of negativity and darkness what we need to do is to come out of  it. Life is really short to be stressed up with those things which even don’t deserve one second of thought. The door of endless possibilities of life is always there, we just need to open our minds to see through it. As we go along the journey of life we will face many paths that provide us different challenges and opportunities at that time need of the hour is to make a smart choice. Every choice will have an impact on our life eventually. All our choices are driven by our beliefs which could be changed if its creating a negative impact on our life.  Each morning when we wake up we should ask ourselves what am I going to do today ,better than yesterday. Its never too late to chose an option or an action which could improve the way of  life.

After chosing what’s best for us the most challenging thing is to wait for the outcome. We start thinking that situations are not under control or we are losing something which has utmost importance in our lives but at that moment what works best is just to release it the way it is.Its all about the vibrations. Whether we take them  as fear or an opportunity to learn.

Whenever you feel trapped in life or find yourself feeling low and dejected , go back to the time you spent with your friend or a loved one. Trap all those memories within you ,feel the joy and happiness of those moments .You will certainly come out of all your disappointments. It will give you a sort of positive energy to restart a paused action.

Always be grateful to your life for providing a heap of infinite possibilities to turn it into a true paradise.

“Nothing is impossible to kill. It’s just that sometimes after you kill something you have to keep shooting it unitl it stops moving.”